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International conferences ________________________

22-25 Oct 2020 in Chiba, JAPAN -  30th IADMS Annual Conference

Professional development in Luxembourg: Psycho-pédagogie et sciences du mouvement dansé _________________________

PSYCHO-PEDAGOGIE ET SCIENCES DU MOUVEMENT DANSE’ INTRODUCTION L’objectif de la formation Psychopédagogie et sciences du mouvement dansé est de promouvoir des méthodes d’enseignement et de formation en danse, saines et efficaces, à

Workshop with Annemari Autere, July 2013 ________________________

PROCHAIN SEMINAIRE: Dans le cadre du cours de formation continue professionnelle “Psycho-pédagogie et sciences du mouvement dansé” le prochain séminaire en kinésiologie posturale sera BalletBodyLogic avec Annemari Autère 1 & 2 juillet 2013 de 10-13h et 4

IADMS Annual Meeting in Singapore 25-28 Oct 2012 _________________________

This year the 22nd Annual Meeting of the International Association for Dance Medicine and Science, IADMS, was held in Singapore from 25 to 28 October 2012. The first three days

1st Dance Medicine and Science Conference in Luxembourg, 29 May 2011 ________________________

1st Dance Medicine and Science Conference in Luxembourg, 29 May 2011 ________________________

A bilingual conference in EN and FR An IADMS/Trinity College London SAFE AND EFFECTIVE DANCE PRACTICE information day 29 MAY 2011, 9h – 17h Cercle Cité Luxembourg, 3 rue Génistre

Professional Development Training in Luxembourg

Dance Science Net is offering a preparatory course in safe dance practice aimed at people working in dance (teachers, students, choreographers, artistic directors, etc) who aspire to be up to